Monthly DIAG News – November

New DIAG members
We are thrilled to introduce and extend a warm welcome to the newest members joining DIAG!:
Awards and grants
- Frédérique Meeuwsen has been awarded a Hanarth Fonds fellowship for her project, 'Towards becoming a pathologist of the future', read more about it here.
Upcoming events
- DIAG DAY December 11th - AI for Neurology!
Highlighted publications
← Back to overview“ Weakly Supervised Classification of Mohs Surgical Sections Using Artificial Intelligence” - D. Geijs, L. Hillen, S. Dooper, V. Winnepenninckx, V. Varra, D. Carr, K. Shahwan, G. Litjens, A. Amir; Modern Pathology, 2024.