Ajay Patel
RTC Deep Learning
Ajay Patel studied Biomedical Sciences (BSc) and Biomedical Image Sciences (MSc) at the University of Utrecht. In March 2015 he joined the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group as a PhD student working on Computer Aided Diagnosis in acute stroke, under supervision of Rashindra Manniesing and Bram van Ginneken. Since March 2019 he acts as coordinator of the Radboudumc Technology Center (RTC) Deep Learning which leverages the expertise of the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group in using machine learning, specifically deep learning, to analyze images and other medical data. The RTC Deep Learning functions as the main portal for all questions regarding the use of deep learning in the Radboudumc and can provide expert guidance and services for big data analysis and deep learning, specifically in the field of image analysis but also on predictive analytics in general.
- Current research projects:
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