Erdi Çallı completed a Bachelor's degree in Mathematical Engineering at the Isik University in 2009. Following his graduation, he spent 6 years working as a software engineer and manager. On September 2015, he enrolled in the Master's degree in Artificial Ingelligence at the Radboud University and on August 2017 he received his Master's Degree. Upon graduation, he started working at the Artificial Cognitive Systems lab as a Research Assistant, focusing on convolutional neural networks for mobile applications. There he worked on EyeContact, an android application that helps visually impaired and blind people to find lost objects. On April 2018, he joined the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group as a PhD candidate. His research is focused on deep learning algorithms for chest x-rays, under the supervision of Bram van Ginneken and Keelin Murphy. Since May 2022, he is machine learning scientist at Adyen.

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