Advances in digital chest radiography: impact on reader performance

D. de Boo

  • Promotor: J. Laméris
  • Copromotor: C. Schaefer-Prokop
  • Graduation year: 2012
  • University of Amsterdam


This thesis demonstrates that - The introduction of mobile direct radiography at the bedside allows for 50% dose reduction, as compared to computed radiography, without loss of clinically relevant image quality. Alternatively, the improved image quality obtained at unaltered dose can be used to uniform diagnostic performance. - Using PACS display of digital chest radiographs, gray-scale reversal does not help the radiologists in detecting small pulmonary nodules. - The potential of CAD to reduce detection errors by radiologists is not fully established. - Despite short-term observer training, radiologists still have difficulties differentiating true positive from false positive CAD candidates.