Parallel-Sequential Texture Analysis

E. van den Broek and E. van Rikxoort

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition 2005:532-541.

DOI Cited by ~9

Color induced texture analysis is explored, using two texture analysis techniques: the co-occurrence matrix and the color correlogram as well as color histograms. Several quantization schemes for six color spaces and the human-based 11 color quantization scheme have been applied. The VisTex texture database was used as test bed. A new color induced texture analysis approach is introduced: the parallel-sequential approach; i.e., the color correlogram combined with the color histogram. This new approach was found to be highly successful (up to 96% correct classification). Moreover, the 11 color quantization scheme performed excellent (94% correct classification) and should, therefore, be incorporated for real-time image analysis. In general, the results emphasize the importance of the use of color for texture analysis and of color as global image feature.Moreover, it illustrates the complementary character of both features.