Publications of Coen de Vente



  1. A. Ardu, B. Liefers, C. de Vente, C. González-Gonzalo, C. Klaver and C. Sánchez, "Artificial Intelligence for the Classification and Quantification of Reticular Pseudodrusen in Multimodal Retinal Images", European Society of Retina Specialists, 2020.
    Abstract Url
  2. C. de Vente, M. van Grinsven, S. De Zanet, A. Mosinska, R. Sznitman, C. Klaver and C. Sánchez, "Estimating Uncertainty of Deep Neural Networks for Age-related Macular Degeneration Grading using Optical Coherence Tomography", Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020.
    Abstract Cited by ~2