Publications of Grzegorz Chlebus


Papers in international journals

  1. A. Meyer, G. Chlebus, M. Rak, D. Schindele, M. Schostak, B. van Ginneken, A. Schenk, H. Meine, H. Hahn, A. Schreiber and C. Hansen, "Anisotropic 3D Multi-Stream CNN for Accurate Prostate Segmentation from Multi-Planar MRI", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2020:105821.
    Abstract DOI PMID arXiv Cited by ~31


  1. A. Meyer, G. Chlebus, M. Rak, D. Schindele, M. Schostak, B. van Ginneken, A. Schenk, H. Meine, H. Hahn, A. Schreiber and C. Hansen, "Anisotropic 3D Multi-Stream CNN for Accurate Prostate Segmentation from Multi-Planar MRI", arXiv:2009.11120, 2020.
    Abstract arXiv Cited by ~31

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. H. Altun, G. Chlebus, C. Jacobs, H. Meine, B. van Ginneken and H. Hahn, "Feasibility of End-To-End Trainable Two-Stage U-Net for Detection of Axillary Lymph Nodes in Contrast-Enhanced CT Based Scans on Sparse Annotations", Medical Imaging, 2020:113141C.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~4