Monthly DIAG News – December

New DIAG members

We’re excited to announce the newest additions to the DIAG family! Let’s give a big welcome to:

Awards and grants

Upcoming events

  • International DIAG DAY February 5th!

Highlighted publications

“ Machine-learning based prediction of appendicitis for patients presenting with acute abdominal pain at the emergency department” - A. Schipper, P. Belgers, R. O’Connor, K. Jie, R. Dooijes, J. Bosma, S. Kurstjens, R. Kusters, B. van Ginneken and M. Rutten; World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 2024.

“ Deep Learning for Automated Segmentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma on Mohs Micrographic Surgery Frozen Section Slides” - V. Varra, K. Shahwan, K. Johnson, R. Kirven, T. Walker, D. Geijs, G. Litjens and D. Carr; World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 2024.

“ Segmenting the Inferior Alveolar Canal in CBCTs Volumes: the ToothFairy Challenge” - F. Bolelli, L. Lumetti, S. Vinayahalingam, M. Di Bartolomeo, A. Pellacani and K. Marchesini; IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

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