Publications of Bram van Ginneken
Papers in international journals
- R. Manniesing, C. Brune, B. van Ginneken and M. Prokop, "A 4D CT Digital Phantom of an Individual Human Brain for Perfusion Analysis", PeerJ, 2016;4:e2683.
- M. Pompe, E. van Rikxoort, O. Mets, J. Charbonnier, J. Kuhnigk, H. de Koning, M. Oudkerk, R. Vliegenthart, P. Zanen, J. Lammers, B. van Ginneken, P. de Jong and F. Mohamed Hoesein, "Follow-up of CT-derived airway wall thickness: Correcting for changes in inspiration level improves reliability", European Journal of Radiology, 2016;85(11):2008-2013.
- T. Kockelkorn, P. de Jong, C. Schaefer-Prokop, R. Wittenberg, A. Tiehuis, H. Gietema, J. Grutters, M. Viergever and B. van Ginneken, "Semi-automatic classification of textures in thoracic CT scans", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016;61(16):5906-5924.
- E. Pompe, P. de Jong, E. van Rikxoort, L. Gallardo Estrella, W. de Jong, R. Vliegenthart, M. Oudkerk, C. van der Aalst, B. van Ginneken, J. Lammers and F. Mohamed Hoesein, "Smokers with emphysema and small airway disease on computed tomography have lower bone density", International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2016;11:1207-1216.
- M. van Grinsven, T. Theelen, L. Witkamp, J. van der Heijden, J. van de Ven, C. Hoyng, B. van Ginneken and C. Sánchez, "Automatic differentiation of color fundus images containing drusen or exudates using a contextual spatial pyramid approach", Biomedical Optics Express, 2016;7(3):709-725.
- G. Litjens, C. Sánchez, N. Timofeeva, M. Hermsen, I. Nagtegaal, I. Kovacs, C. Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, P. Bult, B. van Ginneken and J. van der Laak, "Deep learning as a tool for increased accuracy and efficiency of histopathological diagnosis", Scientific Reports, 2016;6:26286.
- J. Cohen, J. Goo, R. Yoo, S. Park, B. van Ginneken, G. Ferretti, C. Lee and C. Park, "The effect of late-phase contrast enhancement on semi-automatic software measurements of CT attenuation and volume of part-solid nodules in lung adenocarcinomas", European Journal of Radiology, 2016;85(6):1174-1180.
- J. Melendez, C. Sánchez, R. Philipsen, P. Maduskar, R. Dawson, G. Theron, K. Dheda and B. van Ginneken, "An automated tuberculosis screening strategy combining X-ray-based computer-aided detection and clinical information", Scientific Reports, 2016;6:25265.
- J. Cohen, J. Goo, R. Yoo, C. Park, C. Lee, B. van Ginneken, D. Chung and Y. Kim, "Software performance in segmenting ground-glass and solid components of subsolid nodules in pulmonary adenocarcinomas", European Radiology, 2016;26(12):4465-4474.
- A. Ritchie, C. Sanghera, C. Jacobs, W. Zhang, J. Mayo, H. Schmidt, M. Gingras, S. Pasian, L. Stewart, S. Tsai, D. Manos, J. Seely, P. Burrowes, R. Bhatia, S. Atkar-Khattra, B. van Ginneken, M. Tammemagi, M. Tsao, S. Lam and the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study Group, "Computer Vision Tool and Technician as First Reader of Lung Cancer Screening CT Scans", Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2016;11(5):709-717.
- A. Setio, F. Ciompi, G. Litjens, P. Gerke, C. Jacobs, S. van Riel, M. Wille, M. Naqibullah, C. Sánchez and B. van Ginneken, "Pulmonary nodule detection in CT images: false positive reduction using multi-view convolutional networks", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2016;35(5):1160-1169.
- O. Mets, P. de Jong, K. Chung, J. Lammers, B. van Ginneken and C. Schaefer-Prokop, "Fleischner recommendations for the management of subsolid pulmonary nodules: high awareness but limited conformance - a survey study", European Radiology, 2016;26:3840-3849.
- M. van Grinsven, B. van Ginneken, C. Hoyng, T. Theelen and C. Sánchez., "Fast Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2016;35(5):1273-1284.
- S. Schalekamp, N. Karssemeijer, A. Cats, B. De Hoop, B. Geurts, O. Berger-Hartog, B. van Ginneken and C. Schaefer-Prokop, "The Effect of Supplementary Bone-Suppressed Chest Radiographs on the Assessment of a Variety of Common Pulmonary Abnormalities: Results of an Observer Study", Journal of Thoracic Imaging, 2016;31(2):119-125.
- P. Maduskar, R. Philipsen, J. Melendez, E. Scholten, D. Chanda, H. Ayles, C. Sánchez and B. van Ginneken, "Automatic detection of pleural effusion in chest radiographs", Medical Image Analysis, 2016;28:22-32.
- J. Melendez, B. van Ginneken, P. Maduskar, R. Philipsen, H. Ayles and C. Sánchez, "On Combining Multiple-Instance Learning and Active Learning for Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2016;35(4):1013-1024.
- C. Jacobs, E. van Rikxoort, K. Murphy, M. Prokop, C. Schaefer-Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules: a comparative study using the public LIDC/IDRI database", European Radiology, 2016;26:2139-2147.
- R. Manniesing, M. Oei, B. van Ginneken and M. Prokop, "Quantitative Dose Dependency Analysis of Whole-Brain CT Perfusion Imaging", Radiology, 2016;278(1):190-197.
- L. Gallardo-Estrella, D. Lynch, M. Prokop, D. Stinson, J. Zach, P. Judy, B. van Ginneken and E. van Rikxoort, "Normalizing computed tomography data reconstructed with different filter kernels: effect on emphysema quantification", European Radiology, 2016;26:478-486.
- H. Greenspan, R. Summers and B. van Ginneken, "Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: Overview and Future Promise of an Exciting New Technique", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2016;35(5):1153-1159.
- T. Kockelkorn, R. Ramos, J. Ramos, P. de Jong, C. Schaefer-Prokop, R. Wittenberg, A. Tiehuis, J. Grutters, M. Viergever and B. van Ginneken, "Optimization Strategies for Interactive Classification of Interstitial Lung Disease Textures", Frontiers in ICT, 2016;3:33.
Papers in conference proceedings
- N. Lessmann, I. Išgum, A. Setio, B. de Vos, F. Ciompi, P. de Jong, M. Oudkerk, W. Mali, M. Viergever and B. van Ginneken, "Deep convolutional neural networks for automatic coronary calcium scoring in a screening study with low-dose chest CT", Medical Imaging, 2016;9785:978511-1 - 978511-6.
- M. Ghafoorian, N. Karssemeijer, T. Heskes, I. van Uden, F. de Leeuw, E. Marchiori, B. van Ginneken and B. Platel, "Non-uniform patch sampling with deep convolutional neural networks for white matter hyperintensity segmentation", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2016:1414-1417.
- E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, C. Schaefer-Prokop, J. Rühaak, H. de Koning, M. Oudkerk, P. de Jong, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Temporal subtraction of chest CT in lung cancer screening", European Congress of Radiology, 2016.
- M. van Grinsven, F. Venhuizen, B. van Ginneken, C. Hoyng, T. Theelen and C. Sánchez, "Automatic detection of hemorrhages on color fundus images using deep learning", Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
- M. Meijs, M. Prokop, F. Meijer, B. van Ginneken and R. Manniesing, "Segmentation of small cerebral vessels on CT perfusion images of patients with suspected acute stroke", Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2016.
- F. Ciompi, K. Chung, A. Setio, S. van Riel, E. Scholten, P. Gerke, C. Jacobs, U. Pastorino, A. Marchiano, M. Wille, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Pulmonary nodule type classification with convolutional networks", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2016.
- R. Manniesing, S. van de Leemput, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "White Matter and Gray Matter Segmentation in 4D CT Images of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: a Feasibility Study", Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2016.
- F. Venhuizen, M. van Grinsven, B. van Ginneken, C. Hoyng, T. Theelen and C. Sánchez, "Fully automated quantification of intraretinal cysts in 3D optical coherence tomography", Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
- J. Charbonnier, E. Pompe, C. Moore, S. Humphries, B. van Ginneken, D. Lynch, B. Make and E. van Rikxoort, "Airway Dimensions in Current and Former smokers: an independent predictor of Airflow Obstruction and Respiratory Quality of Life in Cigarette Smokers", Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2016.
PhD theses
- M. van Grinsven, "Automated analysis of retinal images for detection of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy", PhD thesis, 2016.