Publications of Keelin Murphy



  1. K. Murphy, S. Habib, S. Zaidi, S. Khowaja, A. Khan, J. Melendez, E. Scholten, F. Amad, S. Schalekamp, M. Verhagen, R. Philipsen, A. Meijers and B. van Ginneken, "Computer aided detection of tuberculosis on chest radiographs: An evaluation of the CAD4TB v6 system", arXiv:1903.03349, 2019.
    Abstract arXiv Cited by ~113

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. E. Calli, K. Murphy, E. Sogancioglu and B. van Ginneken, "FRODO: Free rejection of out-of-distribution samples: application to chest x-ray analysis", Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2019.
    Abstract Url Cited by ~15
  2. E. Calli, E. Sogancioglu, E. Scholten, K. Murphy and B. van Ginneken, "Handling label noise through model confidence and uncertainty: application to chest radiograph classification", Medical Imaging, 2019(1).
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~17